Forecast for the Skyline Area Mountains

Brett Kobernik
Issued by Brett Kobernik on
Monday morning, February 3, 2025
The overall avalanche danger today on the Manti Skyline is MODERATE.
Fresh wind drifts and wind slabs breaking into facets is the main concern. Most will be shallow, a few might break deeper producing a more dangerous slide.
Avoid steep slopes, especially on the more east facing terrain, where these fresh drifts have formed.
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Weather and Snow
Current Conditions: Warm. Crazy warm. Temperatures got into the mid 40s on Saturday and only cooled to around 40˚F overnight. Wind has been consistently moderate to strong from the southwest along the higher terrain. The small amount of snow from Friday has improved the riding conditions...............very slightly.
Mountain Weather: Today will be the warmest day of the week with highs nearing 50˚ in many mountain locations. The wind will stay consistent in the moderate to strong range from the southwest along the higher terrain. We'll have high cloud cover all day. Tuesday looks similar, only slightly cooler. There's a chance for a shot of snow at the end of the week as a storm system pushes a cold front through. Stay tuned.
Avalanche Problem #1
Persistent Weak Layer
There is plenty of loose sugary faceted snow around. You'll find it both near the surface as well as deeper in the snowpack.
Fresh shallow wind drifts and wind slabs may break into the near surface layers.
Some of these drifts and slabs may break into deeper buried facets.
Yet in other mid elevation areas, we may see some heat initiated slides breaking into facets where the snowpack is becoming saturated.
Confused? Terrain is always the answer. If something seems suspect (fresh wind slabs or saturated punchy snow) just stick to slopes under 30 degrees in steepness.
General Announcements
This forecast is from the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, which is solely responsible for its content. This forecast describes general avalanche conditions and local variations always occur.