Avalanche: Timpanogos

Observer Name
Observation Date
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Avalanche Date
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Provo » Timpanogos
Location Name or Route
Southern Wasatch Avalanche Wide Spread Cycle
Avalanche Type
Soft Slab
Avalanche Problem
Persistent Weak Layer
Weak Layer
Wide spread avalanche cycle in the Southern Wasatch beginning on the evening of the 27th and continuing into the early morning of the 29th. A three part storm over several days with strong mid elevation winds coupled with increasing temps and densities with rain lines reaching nearly 8000' by the end of the storm cycle overloaded the old weak snow from November/December. Almost all of the avalanches occurred on East - NE.
There were two distinct triggers. The first was the wind loading in conjuction with the heavy high density snow overloading the snow pack at the upper elevations. The second was the warm temps and high rain line overloading the low to mid elevation snowpack. All of the avalanches had old weak faceted snow as part of the problem, however the lighter density (7%) snow that fell at the beginning of the cycle also created a failure layer under the 12-20% dense snow that fell later in the storm cycle.
Crowns were generally 10"-36" deep and on average 200-400' wide with some crowns as wide as 2500'. The larger avalanches ran nearly 3000' vert. Liquid water percolated to the basal facets at the ground on the E-N slopes below 8000'. Rain crust formed on surface after last storm cleared.
List of Avalanches
Timp: Pika Cirque West and Center, Bomber Bowl, Entire Timp Cirque head wall, The Grunge and side apron, Wooley Hole, NE Chute, N Elk Chute, Most of the Cascade Cirque, Provo Hole, East Face, No Money Down, Chablis upper and mid, Slide Canyon mid zone, Lost Creek gunners left, Spring Falls Chute, Bunnells White Limbo, Middle, and Bimbo, Big Springs Big Bowls 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.