This morning, skies are broken and mountain temperatures are in the mid-teens F. A trace amount of snow, under 1 inch, fell overnight. The east, northeasterly winds remain very light only gusting near 20 mph at upper elevations.
Today, another 1-3 inches of snow could fall. Winds will remain light and temperatures should warm into the mid-30s F. Spring weather can be quite exciting and brief periods of heavy snowfall with a chance of lightning could occur late this morning into the early afternoon.
Total snow amounts are between 2-4" since Wednesday. Following the initial new snow on Wednesday, the sun came out and made the new snow damp on the east, south, and west aspects causing those aspects to refreeze into a firm riding surface before yesterday's new snow. Overall, riding conditions have improved greatly. On the solar aspects, you can feel the firm surface from Wednesday beneath the new snow, in more protected areas you will find the best riding.
Week in Review - where we highlight significant avalanche and weather events from the past week has been published.
Yesterday there were a few small, loose avalanches in the new snow. A few of these new snow avalanches were reported in the Aspen Grove area, and likely occurred during the highest snowfall rates. Between 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM.
Photo of a new snow avalanche that occurred on Robert's Horn (PC: R. Turville)