Forecast for the Logan Area Mountains
Issued by Toby Weed on
Thursday morning, December 2, 2021
Thursday morning, December 2, 2021
There is a little bit of snow on northerly facing slopes at high elevations. Avalanches remain unlikely, possible only in exposed upper elevation terrain. People might trigger shallow avalanches on very steep slopes up high facing the northern half of the compass. With extremely shallow snow barely covering up the rocks, any avalanche could be very dangerous. The shallowly buried, icy, and rock-hard rime-crust means people could slip, fall, and slide rapidly out of control even on slopes that are normally easy to travel on.
- Remember to always follow safe travel protocols. Go one person at a time in avalanche terrain, while the rest of your party watches from a safe area.
- Now is a good time to check your avalanche rescue equipment, change the batteries on your beacons, and practice with your backcountry partners.
We will update this forecast as conditions warrant.
Learn how to read the forecast here