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Forecast for the Logan Area Mountains

Toby Weed
Issued by Toby Weed on
Saturday morning, November 13, 2021
The rime-crust makes travel challenging, but it will hold the surface snow together. Avalanches are unlikely, possible only on north facing slopes up high where there is some preexisting snow from October covering up the rocks and smoothing out the terrain.
  • Remember to always follow safe travel protocols. Go one person at a time in avalanche terrain, while the rest of your party watches from a safe area.
  • Now is a good time to check your avalanche rescue equipment, change the batteries on your beacons, and practice with your backcountry partners.
We will update this forecast as conditions warrant.
Learn how to read the forecast here
Special Announcements
  • Check out all the upcoming education classes and clinics HERE.
  • Please submit your observations from the backcountry HERE.
Weather and Snow
This week's storm delivered several inches of dense snow to upper elevations of the Bear River Range, with 9" of new snow recorded at the 8400' Tony Grove Lake Snotel. This caps mostly bare ground and a foot or less of October snow on north facing slopes at upper elevations. Unfortunately, a thick rime-crust formed on the snow surface Thursday night and temperatures warmed significantly on Friday, so there is really no powder snow to be found this weekend.
Several inches of new snow fell on mostly bare ground the Central Bear River Range. Tony Grove Lake (11-10-21)
Rime-ice formed on the windward side of this cone flower and on the snow surface in exposed terrain in the Tony Grove Area.
Additional Information
  • Be very careful, keep your speed down, and stay in control. Encounters with shallowly buried rocks or down trees in the early season have led to many season-ending injuries.
  • The Tony Grove Road is not maintained for wheeled vehicles in the winter season.