Forecast for the Abajos Area Mountains

Eric Trenbeath
Issued by Eric Trenbeath on
Sunday morning, April 11, 2021
The avalanche danger is generally LOW and many south-facing slopes are bare of snow. As the day heats up be alert to signs of wet snow instability such as pinwheels, rollerballs, and sloppy unsupportable snow. Get off of and out from under steep slopes as they become wet and sloppy.
Learn how to read the forecast here
Special Announcements
Sunday, April 11 will be the last regular forecast.
Weather and Snow
Overnight freezes and daytime high temps mean everything right now. Get current and past 24-hour readings from these real-time weather links.
Snow totals and temps at Buckboard Flat (8924')
Snow totals and temps at Camp Jackson (8858')
Snowpack Discussion
Several nights with a solid refreeze have helped to lock up the snowpack. This morning we'll see a solid, supportable crust that will gradually soften with the sun. The problem is finding a south aspect that hasn't melted out. Work the aspects starting with SE around 10:00 and end up on W around noon. North aspects remain in transition. Once the crust becomes unsupportable and the snow starts to get sloppy, it's time to call it a day as the danger for loose wet, or even wet slab avalanches will start to develop.
Recent Avalanches
Kevin Dressel spotted this wet slab avalanche from his back porch last Sunday. This is a large avalanche failing to the ground.
Additional Information
Information on outdoor recreation - The State of Utah created this webpage with information about recreating on both state and federal public lands during the current health crisis.

New to the backcountry (including riding at closed resorts) - Watch the award-winning, 15 minute Know Before You Go video, or take the 5-part, free online-learning series.
General Announcements
This forecast is from the U.S. Forest Service, which is solely responsible for its content. This forecast describes general avalanche conditions and local variations always occur.