Forecast for the Abajos Area Mountains

Eric Trenbeath
Issued by Eric Trenbeath on
Friday morning, January 19, 2024
The overall danger is decreasing but human triggered avalanches are still possible. A layer of weak, sugary, faceted snow is buried under a 1'-2' thick slab that formed during storm events over the past two weeks. The danger is greatest on steep, wind loaded, northerly aspects, but all wind drifted slope should be considered suspect. Slabs of wind drifted snow form on the leeward sides of ridge crests and terrain features such as gully walls and subridges. They are often recognizable by their smooth, rounded appearance, and cracking is a sign of instability. Avoid steep slopes that have recent deposits of wind drifted snow.
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Special Announcements
Weather and Snow
January snowfall has settled into a cohesive slab over a base of loose, weak, sugary, faceted snow. Reports indicate that this slab is not reactive, but I don't trust the structure. Areas where you are most likely to find trouble are on steep, wind loaded, northerly facing slopes. Shifting strong winds have also createded slabs of wind drifted snow on other aspects. Wind slabs form on the leeward sides of ridge crests and terrain features such as gully walls and subridges. They are often recognizable by their smooth, rounded appearance, and cracking is a sign of instability. Avoid steep slopes that have recent deposits of wind drifted snow.
Colin Tucker was up on Thursday and he sent in this observation. He noted poor snowpack structure with a cohesive slab on top of a weak, sugary, faceted base.
NWS forecast for the Abajo Mountains.
Snow totals and temps at Buckboard Flat (8924')
Snow totals and temps at Camp Jackson (8858')
General Announcements
This forecast is from the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, which is solely responsible for its content. This forecast describes general avalanche conditions and local variations always occur.